My stepsister's boyfriend! Simply brazen!

from NoraDevot

Omg what have we done? Today my stepsister came to visit, it was a lovely afternoon of cooking and chatting together. My stepsister's boyfriend was also there for the first time. I quickly noticed how he always looked me up and down, he literally undressed me with his eyes...even when I spoke to him, his gaze kept wandering down "Those aren't my eyes!" He looked away embarrassed and said he was going for a smoke on the balcony. I didn't want to leave it like that. He's here with my stepsister and hitting on me? So I followed him out onto the balcony and wanted to confront him, but I didn't get that far... How could this have happened? It all happened so quickly, we were both so horny and just couldn't resist! Even though the whole family was sitting in the next room...


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